We help derive insights and solutions from spatial data using innovative methods grounded in original research.
Leverage the Power of Spatial Data
We leverage the power of spatial data to help businesses, governments, and the development sector solve critical challenges.
Our team is widely published in international peer reviewed journals. Our previous work has been supported by UK Research and Innovation, Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services and the Group on Earth Observations.
We develop and apply a range of analytics techniques to satellite imagery and other tabular datasets.
Our artificial intelligence and machine learning models process vast amounts of multi-spectral, hyper-spectral and radar satellite imagery.
This helps us extract meaningful patterns and spatial trends and generate new and unique data layers which are otherwise impossible to collect through on-ground methods.
By combining this with numerous other types of datasets including socio-economic surveys and census data our analysis draws on the unique strengths of each type of data.
Deeper Insights For Better Decision Making
Our team will help integrate our methods and products with your data to generate deeper insights for better decision making — helping you identify new opportunities, optimize resource allocation and mitigate risks.
Our team has substantial experience in each of the following focus areas. Click here to learn more about data products related to these. Get in touch to find out about customized analytics and solutions.
MapSolve AI is led by a team with a strong background in spatial analytics research.
Our data products and solutions draw on original research and provide you with unique and actionable insights.
We help solve a range of problems across sectors using advanced spatial analytics. Read more about selected solutions we have implemented.